Sunday, September 19, 2010

questions for the young (of any age)

Have you ever wondered...
if some dogs are really little people in a dog's skin? How do you know which ones are really little persons without asking them? My dog looks at me like he wants to talk but is afraid I might freak out. Maybe he's not afraid I will freak out but is just a shy little person that looks dogish. Someone suggested whispering in his ear when he's asleep. He might just wake up startled and say something that would let me know who he really is. Then we could be real friends and go to the movies together.
Try this. Sneak up on the next dog you come across and yell "Boo". If he says "You scare me!" he's really a little person. If he tries to bite you he's probaby not.

Music Video for Rob's song "Mystery of Chances"

Hi Family,

Please check out this video that our friend filmed and directed for Rob's song, "Mystery of Chances." Rob's dad plays the starring role as the fisherman!

And just to comment on blog difficulty, when I first signed on to the blog, all I could do was comment on an old blog, but once I posted the comment, the option to post my own new blog was suddenly available.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

.......questions for the young (of any age)

Have you ever,,,,,,

Have you ever seen a talking squirrel? I mean a real live squirrel; one that climbs trees and eats nuts? You know- the ones you see in your back yard and along the side of roads with busy tails and brown fur? I don’t mean a fake squirrel that you buy in a toy store and squeeze it to make a squeaking sound that someone might think was a word. And I don’t mean a sound like a parrot can make that sounds like a real word. No, I mean a real live squirrel that can say a real word like “Hello” when you meet it. A clear distinct “Hello” like any real person would say to another when they meet on the street.
Have you ever seen such a squirrel? I haven’t.

Blog problems and Derek and Lauren.

I have heard that there is a problem entering anything on the Hepbron Blog. This is my first visit for awhile. Lets see if there is still a problem after this.

We Hepbrons had a great wedding!!. Luckily Derek and Lauren were able to attend also. They are a great couple and we were glad to have them enjoy the evening with us. I think we may allow Lauren to join the family if she promises to act crazy at family events. We will test her again at the next wedding.

It was fun to join others in the kind of quiet wedding meditations that only the Hepbrons and their spouses are capable of.( I am hoping that someone filmed the award winning dance of Don Woods. It was fantastic!) We must insist that someone in the family gets married every year!!

Sorry some of you had to miss the Jersey Shore Housewives and their friends the next day. It was a really really good time!! And in Ocean Grove too. ( Still a dry town for everyone except humans- as we proved). Little Eve provided early entertainment. What a doll! I think we should keep her.

Hope this note gets through to all the important people in our collective family- including our official new member Lauren Woods. Nice choice Derek!

I can't tell you how proud Helen and I are to share in the fun and comradeship of the greater Hepbron family. We send love to all!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Matt and Karen underway!!

Matt and Karen have finally sailed out of San Francisco and are now in Santa Barbara.If you haven't been following there blog you are missing a real treat. Matt and Karen do extensive reporting of their trip- with live pictures of the trip as they go. The miracle of the internet ! You can reach their site at Karen also has a site at Both Matt and Karen are good writers and are taking the time to show and tell a good story. You are missing a treat if you aren't following their trip. You can also follow the boat's daily location by using the marine site site follows the actual position of ships at sea or in port by satelite. Matt and Karen presently have another couple with them. This is good as the other man is an experienced sailer and will prove really helpful to Matt and Karen as they learn the ways of the sea in a sail boat. We all wish them well in their travels. I feel better about their venture now as it appears they are taking the trip slowly and making extra sure they and the boat are ready before setting sail in really dangerous waters in the Pacific. I think you will be reaassured, too, if you follow their daily web reports and find how knowledgeable Matt really is about sailing, weather, his boat, etc.. Wish I could be with them.
Best to all- especially to world famous Kathy Woods and her naked treasure!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

After Thanksgiving

So good to talk to everyone at Thanksgiving.(Sorry Sandy but you were away)
Sounds like everyone was having good food and good company. We had two Thanksgiving meals. We first had lunch with Ann Tucker at her assisted living facility.You will remember Helen talking about the elderly lady she has been taking care of for the last five or six years. It was sad to see so many people there without any family or other visitors. And to think there are probably millions of others in like circumstances. The meal was pretty awful, too. For the money those people are paying, the company should have done better.
That night we had a real Thanksgiving dinner with Henny Barlow Ely. She is a great cook and we thoroughly enjoy eating at her house! She always asks about the girls. She will be going to Robin's home for Xmas.
Helen and I will be leaving for a cruise to the Caribbean on Friday. We are taking a Princess liner out of Ft. Lauterdale. We have never been on Princess before. We will be going for ten days. Most of the ports are familiar to us so we will probably just hang out on shipboard or walk to the town centers in port. We are looking forward to getting away. Cruises are really inexpensive this year. (There were some great sales on Black Friday). You really can't beat the daily price of a vacation on a cruise if you figure the price includes all your food, entertainment and lodging. You have to be careful about the extras, however, as this is where cruise lines make their money. The side tours at port, the fancy drinks on board, and the beauty salon treatments can really end up costing more than the price of the cruise itself.
We are looking forward to seeing some of the family at Christmas. We will be spending the holiday with Sandy ,Dave , Kathy, Don and some of their children. We will see Mel, Meghann and the boys on the way home. We are hopeful of getting to See Deb , John and their family, too, if we can work out the schedule. Helen and I really treasure the chance to see family at Christmas. Helen now has no family of her own left. It is an important time for both of us.
Hope we can all keep in touch more often. Talk to all soon.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wedding Pictures

It was wonderful to see most of you at the wedding, thanks for making it so special. I posted the images from nicki, gary, susan, and jon on a website--if anyone else wants to send some pictures along I can add them as well.